
Welcome to

The Red Kamala 



This precious human life is shortyou are here for so much more.


The journey begins in:










In quiet moments, do you feel the unshakable desire & longing to know more fully what you're truly capable of experiencing & expressing


It may not be your current experience in your body right now, but if deep down you want to:

  • Feel a rippling sense of vibrant pleasure & sensual aliveness in every moment
  • Experience Love that moves you to tears
  • Feed your soul with artistry, beauty and devotion
  • Discover more moments of wonder and awe for life
  • Explore the textures of your world with enlivened senses 
  • Connect to yourself and others in openness, generosity & radical acceptance.
  • Express how you really feel, without shame or hestistation, from a place of unshakable inner freedom. 

...then you are right where you need to be.

This journey was created for you. 

You’re not who you think you are, who you’ve been told you should be or the product of your past —you are so much more. 

More infinitely  brilliant than your mind could ever conjure.


Yet, perhaps:

  • You’ve nurtured and supported your family or  career while your desires took a back seat.
  • You’ve prioritised others and you’ve achieved many things but neglected the inner world of your own pleasure and creative aliveness.
  • You dare not reveal the messy, wild and untethered chaos of your hearts expression.
  • You accept that your sensuality has faded with the years of mothering; quietly resigned to your changed body, past hurts, and lost sense of youth.
  • You remain bound to the safety of your own numbness, keeping the deeper yearnings at bay with busyness—denying your thirst for more. 
  • You've never had the supportive space for courage, bravery and radical truth telling.


It's your time now. 

The pulse of life in your insatiable heart is beckoning you to claim more - to feel it all.

To know who you are & what your truly capable of. 

The truth is -

immense pleasure, wildly free expression,

and an awe-inspiring life are available to every one of us.


You're not broken, there's no fixing required. 

You just need a fertile space to unravel - you'll flourish so naturally & vibrantly. 

I want you to have this. I want ALL women to have this. 

"With the Red Kamala, Holly provides a safe, open and inclusive space to discover and feel into who you are and who you could be. Approaching the experience with curiosity and openness, allowed me to discover new parts of myself. It is rare to find spaces where you can completely be yourself, challenge yourself, and feel held all at the same time. Where you are encouraged to embody whatever you are feeling. That is at the heart of the Red Kamala."

- Sia

Welcome to The Red Kamala Mystery School

Six immersions, six months.

Using embodied movement, dance, sensuality practices, devotion, ritual, and transformational processes, you'll experience a profound and deepening sense of meaningful, alive, intimate connection with your body, within yourself, in relationship, and with Life itself.

Immersion 1

THE EXISTENTIAL EROTIC PLAY & an altar state of being.

Reconnect. Rediscover your deepest yearnings and tender edges. Reveal the fullness & depth of who you really are. Be truly seen & held. Liberate your voice & expression. Let a natural devotion emerge from the awe of beholding so much beauty & aliveness in and around you. 

When: SEPTEMBER Saturday 14th, 11am-7pm & Sunday 15th 9am-3pm 

Where: Elements Studio, 64 Logan Road, Woolloongabba

Guest facilitator: Rachel Bronca (Voice & TMJ release)

Light, nourishing meal included on Saturday.

Immersion 2

ELEMENTAL EMBODIMENT & the full spectrum. 

Return to your inherent wildness & freedom - inextricably connected to all of nature. Merging with the elements we awaken the full spectrum of possibilities available to you to feel and express. Raw. Powerful. Mother Nature embodied.

When: OCTOBER Saturday 19th, 9am-6pm with the option to stay later for a fire-side dinner & storytelling 

Where: Incredible private venue in nature, Crohamhurst

Full catering included.

Immersion 3


Tune your senses in to exquisite aliveness, so every touch, sound, taste, smell & sight is filled with a  pleasure that opens you to a holy- awe & reverence for life. Contrary to gluttony and the need for more, be ravished by the simple & ordinary moments felt with full presence. 

When: NOVEMBER Saturday 23rd, 11am-7pm

Where: Elements Studio, 64 Logan Road, Woolloongabba

Guest facilitator: Alessandra Massi (Sensual Provocateur)

An sensual afternoon feast included.

Immersion 4

WILD PLAY & Having what you're not allowed.

Unlock the hidden facets of your being and step into a world where every part of you is celebrated. Shine a light on your shadows. Admit the unthinkable. Laugh so hard your cheeks hurt. Befriend the unloved parts of yourself. Reclaim what's 'not allowed'. Be outrageously free to play & express yourself. Integrate with a blissful sound bath.

When: DECEMBER Saturday 7th, 11am-7pm & Sunday 8th, 10am-3pm

Where: Elements Studio, 64 Logan Road, Woolloongabba

Guest facilitator: Jane Toohey (Sound healing) 

Light, nourishing meal included on Saturday.

Immersion 5

WHO ARE YOU BECOMING. What do you  desire?

Anchor into the truth of who you are becoming and gain pristine clarity on what you desire from a place of embodied authenticity.  Give voice to all the reclaimed parts of yourself, allowing your embodied wisdom to shape your future. Step into 2025, ripe & ready to call forth all that you desire. 

When: JANUARY Friday 10th, 1-5pm (2025)

Where: West End Yoga404 Montague Road, West End

Nourishment provided.

Immersion 6 - New Year Celebration


In the company 40 other supportive women (who already been on a similar journey to you),  celebrate the magnificence of being alive. Ritual acknowledgment of the brilliance of who you are. Breathtaking beauty. Unbridled expression and delight. Wild abandon on the dancefloor!

When: JANUARY Saturday 11th, 4-10pm (2025)

Where: The Old Museum, 460 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills

Decadent dinner & dessert  included.

Find out more about Temple

 "I found it a really surprising journey. Moments took me very deep but never felt heavy. I felt so supported and connected to Holly and the other beautiful women in the group, I felt more and more encouraged to just be myself, to just be wild and free."

- Shuni

"I have been spruiking TRK and Holly's work to anyone who will listen to me! My friends can see how much more confident in myself I am and that's thanks to the supportive community and experiences that pushed me wayyy out of my comfort zone in a safe, non judgemental way."

- Chloe 

And there is more!

Feel connected & supported throughout the journey with:

Bonus Inclusions

Sensual Embodied Dance® Sessions

When: Sunday 1st Sept & 13th Oct, 10am-1pm

Where: Elements Studio, Woolloongabba

Find out more

+ Online Opportunities


Optional Extra

Community Dinner post-immersion

When: after Immersions on 14th Sept, 23rd Nov, 7th Dec & 10th Jan

Where: Little G or Paw Paw (close to Elements Studio), and The Raven Hotel (downstairs from West End Yoga Studio) 

Optional Extra

Luxuriate - Bathhouse Community Gathering

When: Saturday 2nd Nov, 3pm or tbc by the group

Where: SOAK Bathouse, West End QLD



"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."

- Carl Jung

Ready to say YES?

Claim your place and enrol now 

Choose your payment option

6 x $500

  • Payment plan over 6 months
  • Payment plan over 4 months


Save $80 if you pay in full upfront

  • $2920 pay in full upfront


Women who've previously attended Shiva Shakti Dance are eligible for additional $200 discount 


  • 2 x Sensual Embodied Dance® Brisbane Classes: 1st Sept* & 6th Oct, 10am-1pm.
  • 2 x Sensual Embodied Dance® Live Online Classes.

Select your preferred payment option:


Women who've previously attended a Shiva Shakti Dance

workshop, course or retreat are eligible for a $200 discount.

Just enter DEVOTED-DANCER in the coupon box at checkout.

"Sounds great...

but what if I’m scared?”

Most women come to this work feeling nerves, vulnerable and trembling with anticipation… So please know that you’re not alone, and this fear is totally normal. (After all, many of us have gone our entire lives without ever exploring our full potential as an embodied woman.)

The good news is, nerves mixed with curiosity are the signpost of transformative potential. Fear of the unknown plus a willing desire to lean in is actually the perfect concoction! And there’s so much power in showing up just as you are, with all your resistance and worries and doubts in tow.

As with most things in life, the hardest part is that first act of showing up. From there, most women report that their nerves start to melt away right from the very first practice.


In fact, these feelings can be a good thing. Consider the intensity of the energy in your body, and all those feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty… are they so different from falling in love? Perhaps you're just about to fall in love?! 

Falling in love with yourself like never before?

What a thrill!

 And we’ll be there with you, every step of the way. 

Meet your main facilitator

Holly Wodetzki


Holly has spent over a decade teaching thousands of women practices to recognise and access the beauty, power & wisdom of their embodied experience. She believes there’s no need to waste this short, precious life living anything but a rich, meaningful, and connected existence. We’re here to be moved. To experience the full potential of being a human.

A gifted facilitator & practitioner with an extensive background in classical and contemporary Tantra, and a very diverse range of dance genres, and an academic background in science. She masterfully creates transformative embodiment experiences for modern women that draw on ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience, drenched in devotion.

Her other bodies of work include the Sensual Embodied Dance® metholodgy & Facilitator Training, and the very popular predecessor to The Red Kamala, Shiva Shakti Dance.

Specialist guest facililtators:

Vocal Expression

Rachel Bronca

Rachel is a vocal coach, singer, actor, dancer and remedial massage therapist specialising in TMJ release & Vocal Manual Therapy. 

Rachel specialises in helping people rediscover their voice & find confidence with making sound - to express what is perceived internally, to the external world. 

"Vocal release can mean many things.. is it a physical block in your confidence to speak or sing? Are you relearning how YOU make sound? Does your jaw lock, or your tongue pull back? Perhaps it is simply a long, long wish of wanting to express your voice, and not knowing where to start. All of this is vulnerable, and a safe place to land and begin is the key to opening up."

Rachel Bronca Studio


Sensual Play Provocateur

Alessandra Massi

Alessandra Massi is a skilled facilitator and a very beloved member of our dance community. For over 8 years, she has been dancing alongside Holly, fostering a profound connection through movement and expression. As a certified Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach and Sensual Embodied Dance® facilitator, Alessandra's presence exudes love and sensuality, supporting others to reunite with the power that comes from dynamic self-expression available through sensual dance and creative arts.

Her heart-centered facilitation creates meaningful experiences through connection, play, and sensuality. 




Sound Healing

Jane Toohey

Jane is a very experienced Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Sound Healing Practitioner with 30 years of dedicated practice & wisdom to share.

She is passionate about our intrinsic ability to heal ourselves & evolve through cultivating the mind-body, breath-movement connection. 

In the sound healing session Jane will guide a gentle spinal warm up to activate the vagus nerve, some centering breathing and guided relaxation to ensure the sound healing can impact the entire body.

Then a concentrated 40mins of blissful sound healing using crystal bowls, equilibrium chimes and the Japanese Wood Chimes to synchronise our body frequency, correcting any disharmony, and creating aliveness, peace & connection. 

Listen in for moment of sound bathing with Jane.

For lasting transformation...

Integration package & personalised support

In between Immersions receive  PDF's with integration practices, self-inquiry prompts & summaries of the key ideas explored. Reach out anytime in the private Facebook group. Wednesday 11th Dec 2024, 6-8pm: Hotseat Mentoring Call via Zoom for personalised support. On demand guided Devotional Erotic Dance practice-at-home. 


Frequently Asked Questions

"I came to The Red Kamala to explore pleasure and sensuality and connect with a community of women. What I left with was a deep and rich connection with myself, a portal to pleasure, and the willingness to really see and be seen by others. Transformative, exquisite, challenging, and delicious all at once."

- Lisa 

"The Red Kamala empowered me to delve further into myself - to become aware of what I was holding on to that I could release, to become aware of what delights my senses, and to dive further into pleasure and play. Holly's creates an incredible container to enable this growth to be realised. A beautiful, joyful and pleasurable experience - thank you!"

- Rebecca 

Let's be honest...

If you’ve read this far down the page, there’s likely something inside you that’s feeling deeply called to journey with The Red Kamala. 

That calling may not be rational, reasonable, or logical - in fact, sometimes our inner callings are straight up uncomfortable and inconvenient!

Yet, there's a wisdom in our heart & body beyond what our mind can ever grasp. If you are truly called to embark on this journey, if inside there's a fervent 'yes!' - 

You'll never regret answering an inner calling.

A freedom you can't fathom with your mind
lives in the unexplored realms within you,
where you dare to venture.

I'm ready.

Got some questions?

I'd love to hear from you.

Sometimes words on a computer screen simply don’t cut it —

sometimes you just need to hear the warmth and reassurance of a real-life human.

If that’s you, we're here to answer any questions you might have.

Click the button below, and you’ll be redirected to our online calendar.

You can schedule a free 15 minute call with Holly.

No cost, no persuasion, just a friendly conversation.


...or if email is more your thing, pop a message in here:

I'll get back to you as soon as I can (usually 1-2 days) 

"In the Red Kamala, Holly created an exceptional and safe space that supported us to explore embodiment as a practice of devotion to ourselves and to life. I gained more awareness of and pleasure in, my body and my sensuality, while having a lot of fun."

- Sarah

Acknowledgement of Country

During The Red Kamala we will meet upon the unceded lands of the Jagera, Turrbal & Jinibara people in South-east Queensland. We acknowledge the traditional custodians who have danced on this land long before us & bow to the ancient, abiding and evolving connections between the indigenous people of the land, culture & stories of place, as well the plants, the animals, the elements – the whole interconnected systems of life that we depend on and interact with and that informs our inseparable embodied experience of being where we are.